
Rich biodiversity is evident from the two detailed surveys of woody species biodiversity that we have commissioned in these districts. These scientific surveys are further complemented by community biodiversity monitoring (CBM), in which local residents conduct regular assessments of the forest biodiversity.

To complement the community-driven plant surveys, motion-sensitive wildlife cameras and microclimate sensors have been installed throughout the forests. These devices capture data on the local climate and document a wide range of diverse, fascinating, and colorful creatures, including Colobus and De Brazza monkeys, Blue and vervet monkeys, olive baboons, honey badgers, civet cats, genets, antelope, caracals, porcupines, bush pigs, and more.

Zoom into the interactive map to find out the biodiversity plots and the location of wildlife cameras and microclimate sensors.


Wildlife are monitored

among 10 communities across Sheko and Anderacha.

Wildlife in Buti community, Anderacha


Microclimate recorded – Map showing the location of sensors and wildlife